In the beginning, we were blonde. Legally blonde.
No amount of Law school, mooting nor GPA 7s could adequately prepare one for an actual job, in persona.
Whatever knowledge that was learnt from reading Lord Atkins or HLA Hart becomes obsolete in the situation where 10,000 piece of correspondence papers, medical certificates, tax returns, public authority archive searches, all in triplicate, plus the odd Further Further Amended Statements of Claim stare at you in the eye, teasing your shortcircuited brain which before this very day you thought more than brilliant enough to change the world.
Forget the thoughts of office desk, free coffee, looking smart and walking straight and tall whilst juggling the word justice with both hands. Each file you handle dates back to when you were still giggling amongst a group of gossipy teenagers in 10th grade, if not earlier, like...last millenium. When each piece of correspondence has to be checked, distinguished from privileged and discoverable, useful evidence or 'without prejudice' and until each tax return has been analysed and an estimate figure of loss and damage materialises, the new clerk boy isn't making his $17/hr worthwhile...... lunch breaks, well...think again.
So those ambitious friends or wannabe law students out there, this is one big fish, don't throw the line if its not the one you're after... ...afterall, I'm not sure about it anymore myself.
No amount of Law school, mooting nor GPA 7s could adequately prepare one for an actual job, in persona.
Whatever knowledge that was learnt from reading Lord Atkins or HLA Hart becomes obsolete in the situation where 10,000 piece of correspondence papers, medical certificates, tax returns, public authority archive searches, all in triplicate, plus the odd Further Further Amended Statements of Claim stare at you in the eye, teasing your shortcircuited brain which before this very day you thought more than brilliant enough to change the world.
Forget the thoughts of office desk, free coffee, looking smart and walking straight and tall whilst juggling the word justice with both hands. Each file you handle dates back to when you were still giggling amongst a group of gossipy teenagers in 10th grade, if not earlier, like...last millenium. When each piece of correspondence has to be checked, distinguished from privileged and discoverable, useful evidence or 'without prejudice' and until each tax return has been analysed and an estimate figure of loss and damage materialises, the new clerk boy isn't making his $17/hr worthwhile...... lunch breaks, well...think again.
So those ambitious friends or wannabe law students out there, this is one big fish, don't throw the line if its not the one you're after... ...afterall, I'm not sure about it anymore myself.