(On a side note, I've chosen a set structure
for my blog...I hope its obvious...
but we'll h
The other day on msn, a friend remarked after I 'revealed' my blog...
'I guess people do get quite personal in their blogs'...
which made me think...have I been too personal? I guess the last post about refractions/rarefactions/quantum tunneling atoms [part1] did mention names... (oh wait, I still have to do part 2)...and the recent post on leaving was kinda...eehh [shrugs shoulders].
ok...so this one will hopefully be a less melancholic read.
So I was at work...(good start) one Friday afternoon at around the time when all productivity ceases...2.11pm to be exact. Yes ppl. Email me at 2.11pm for instant response.
So the clever scheming Kevstar I am, took a file and went out for some 'attendance'. At around the bottom of the Hitachi building this barrister kind of...trodded...out the lift with his tie half undone. Usually this meant 'hey everyone my weeks over!'. He (MJH) looked about as surprised to see me (KHZ) as I was to see him...
MJH: shit...Fred must've sent him to pick up those Reply/s which I haven't done...
KHZ: shit...he's gonna mention with that loudmouth of his to Fred that I was killing time bumming in the city...
So it turned into a very interesting conversation indeed. It went along the lines of...
[banta] [banta] [slovakian swear word] [banta] [banta] [slovakian curse] [banta]
(yes this particular Counsel is Slovakian)
...so what kind of stuff does Fred get you doing nowadays?
bla bla bla [statement of claim]
bla bla bla [s22 response]
bla bla bla [this and that]
...yea so you're basically Fred's whore...
... ...
... ...
... ...
(-_- ok...I know who I ain't instructing in the future)
...well no I don't work that hard, usually not that committed also...how bout we lower the bar a notch...say...a geisha?
I walked away very content with myself for that witty response...
That convo aside...he's not too bad...other recent convo involving him:
me: this client can be ...u know...bit of a dickhead at times...
him: don't worry, you just have to be in control
[enter client]
[exunt client]
him: gee, that guy's a dickhead!
me: mmm
him: advice...settle early...
me: agreed.
P.S. At 2.11pm even photographing your office with your mobile is more fun than...work
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